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HOSBAY - Hospital Inventory Management Software

An automated Hospital inventory management system is a must for a busiest hospital to streamline the hospital supply chain

Hospital inventory management process will help you to manage entire multiple pharmacies and multiple general stores in hospital


Hospital Supply chain management (SCM) is a workflow responsible for keeping track of your hospital inventory supply chain process Aimed at supervising of pharma products and medical supplies in order to increase the efficiency of healthcare supply chains

Best Hospital asset tracking and inventory management systems

create a stockless hospital supply chain, a hospital may desire to use the electronic pharmacy & inventory system 



Hospital inventory management process is an essential concern because its affects Clinical process



Overall managing entire supply chain process of hospital depend on inventory management



Medical inventory related revenue is more than 35% of the income of hospital need proper system

Hospital Pharmacy management

  • Overall based on in & out patient receive e-prescription based medication, delivery, administration and review of medications to optimize patient outcomes
  • Managing multiple hospital pharmacies inventory request based on hospital branch pharmacies, ward, and nursing station. Even from emergency departments
  • The main pharmacy needs to manage the demand and supply of hospital pharmacies which includes emergency medication, fast moving medicines, even fulfilled by all doctors prescribing medication to patient
  • Managing hospital pharmacy based on shift and required process of open register & close register is important process based on plan

Hospital Inventory management

  • Hospital management inventory is based on medical equipment, drugs, laboratory chemicals, radiology related materials, even department wise hospital furniture & equipment’s
  • Managing hospital inventory based on asset type need to be manage properly both consumable and non-consumable materials based on hospital department wise
  • Overall Stock tracking based on type, manage entire process through administration panel. You can find Locating of goods and currently owned department and employee details· Expiration, reorder alerts, even maintenance process including based on warranty & guarantee of the particular materials
  • Hospital inventory management have audit trail inbuild into the system help you to identify, tracking the material as per audit records

Asset management

  • Asset tracking are key areas of investments that link healthcare professionals to the supply The connection between clinical need and operational demand
  • Even tracking consumable material based on type there are individual process help to track the usage and even wastage of materials
  • Overall, highly organized and efficient system is required at health centre for planning, acquiring, maintaining, using, and disposing of the machinery, equipment, and physical assets of any healthcare organization
  • Manage the process from assettracking, compliance, and work initiation through planned maintenance and events to execution and completion.

Cloud Based Medical Inventory Management

HOSBAY – Hospital Pharmacy Management system is integrated software that helps in managing drug distribution, stocks, and monitor various functions of the pharmacy in a hospital setting. Hospital pharmacy is the health care service, which comprises the art, practice, and profession of choosing, preparing, storing, compounding, and dispensing medicines and medical devices, advising healthcare professionals and patients on their safe, effective, and efficient use, Hosbay is providing end-to-end solution for hospital pharmacies by able to handle department wise inpatient pharmacies to manage their inventory level at the micro level as well as overall hospital medication requirements. Even it caters the inpatient medication management and addresses nursing station requirements at the department level as well as ICU emergency product requirements for procedures undergoing patient as well as its address the outpatient demand of medication. Our solution will support the internal transfer of stocks and return from different departments.